SJE LOGO new.gif (4118 bytes)  Sang Jing Electronics Co., Ltd.                 


                                                       Quality Control

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  • QC/Technical Support
    LCR meter
    Leakage test instrument
    Resistance meter
    High frequency tester

  • Staff
  • Materials/Components
    30% Taiwan, 70% imported from Japan


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Superior & precitse products
"total quality control"


   R&D2.jpg (13236 bytes)
Teh most up-to-date QC equipment
ensures dependable products

  • Procedures/testing Details

         The "total quality control" system has been implemented in
         our two plants to maintain superior, precision products as
         well as the best delivery and after-sales service. We also
         provide our customers with a full range of support including
         component sourcing, up-to-date technical specifications, and
         comprehensive marketing materials. Our friendly, efficient
         bilingual office staff are always ready to go the extra distance
         to satisfy you - our very important customer.       

  • Other Information

         Currently being evaluated, Sang Jing Electronics
         is expected to be ISO 9002 certified by fall of 

